Desktop-Tests: | Windows 10: Microsoft Edge, Firefox macOS: Safari, Microsoft Edge, Firefox |
Mobil-Tests: | Microsoft Edge (iOS, Android), Chrome (Android), Safari (iOS) |
PWA: | Safari (iOS), Chrome+Firefox (Android) |
Pushmessages: | – |
version: | date: | changes: |
2.3 | xx.xx.2021 | +added push-plugin +modified shariff buttons +switched to PHP 7.4 +changed related post plugin to yarp -deactivated english version |
2.2.1 | 30.08.2018 | +performance improvements +fixed internal links from http to https +changed image gallery plugin, repaired all galleries |
2.2 | 22.07.2018 | +added Morocco to links section +added PWA support +new contact form -deactivated commentary function |
2.1 | 07.07.2018 | +added Home button in main menu +fixed footer menu for english version +switched to PHP 7.2 +speed optimisations +updated privacy section +changed Youtube embed to Lyte (was enhanced data protection mode) -removed Spain and England from Link section -removed gravatar support -removed social login |
2.0 | 30.12.2017 | +new design |
1.2 | 13.08.2017 | +added playlist Morocco +added cookie warning (EU law) +added ssl (https://) support +activated HSTS +switched to PHP 7.1 |
1.1.2a | 04.12.2016 | +switched to PHP 7.0 |
1.1.2 | 05.03.2016 | +added playlist Turkey +added links to turkish league +added related posts plugin +added new category “Pyroporn” to differentiate better between chants and pyro videos |
1.1.1 | 11.07.2015 | +added printing layout >SE-Optimisations |
1.1 | 28.06.2015 | +QR-Codes for route-pages +links between stadium pictures and route +reactivated Fancharts >FHtv@5.1 –> FHtv+ >”Mail us” separated to footer >fixed menu structure >minor bugfixes |
1.0.2 | 02.05.2015 | +added some more leagues +added YouTube Playlists >fixed “Links overview” site >fixed table design >fixed Youtube-Widget |
1.0.1 | 15.02.2015 | +added Hallen/Arena +added new social network plugins +added some more leagues to link section |
1.0 | 24.03.2014 | first release |